Saying Goodbye to a Legend, Jack LaLanne

If you’re into fitness at all, you’ve been influenced at some point by the legend himself, Jack LaLanne.
This weekend we said goodbye to one of the fathers of fitness.
The following was posted on Jack’s blog.
“Dear faithful students,
Yesterday we lost a dear friend, a devoted husband, a loving father, a true hero to us all.
Jack died of respiratory failure due to pneumonia Sunday afternoon at his home in Morro Bay on California’s Central Coast. He was surrounded with his loving family, his wife Elaine of 51 years, daughter Yvonne and sons Danny and Jon.
Jack has left the world a happy, healthier, more fit place, and his legacy will live on forever.
Remember as Jack would say:
“Anything in Life is Possible, if YOU Make it Happen!” ~Jack LaLanne”
I’m not going to give you his life story. You can read that on his site,, and on wikipedia. Susan Cambell has a great post about Jack also.
Two memories of Jack
When I heard the news of his passing, I immediately was taken back to when I was a small child. I remember seeing a very fit “old” man doing some crazy exercise on t.v.
Every time that I happened on his show, he astounded me with his conditioning. Just amazing.
The second memory wasn’t even about Jack, but Jay Kordich. I’m talking about the Jim Carrey skit on “In Living color” poking fun at juicer infomercials. I still chuckle out loud when I see it, and thought for years that it was about Jack LaLanne and his Power Juicer.
Do you have any memories of Jack LaLane? How did he impact your life?
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January 25, 2011 at 9:06 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Todd Boyer, Project Swole. Project Swole said: Saying Goodbye to a Legend, Jack LaLanne: Jack LaLanne, fitness expert, dead at age 96 […]
January 25, 2011 at 10:27 am
Oh that makes me super sad. Scary, too. I have to go to my lung doc because I’ve had pneumonia for over a year and I can’t shake it. I almost kicked the bucket (came REAL close) and that’s scary stuff. It’s sad to see such a legend go.
January 25, 2011 at 1:59 pm
I thought I heard about this the other day on the radio as I was getting in my car. RIP Jack. You were a real piece of awesomeness.
January 25, 2011 at 9:57 pm
He touched the lives of so many people.
Greg´s last [type] ..White Whole Wheat Blueberry Muffins
January 25, 2011 at 11:22 pm
Jack was an impressive man. He completed quite a few difficult accomplishments in his life.
Project Swole´s last [type] ..How to Treat Shin Splints
January 26, 2011 at 10:27 am
@Julie, we’re just glad that you’re still with us.
@Anne, that’s pretty much how I heard about it too.
@Greg, it’s amazing to think how many people that he helped over 70 years.
@Project Swole, Steve, I was reading on somebody’s blog that he “beat” Arnold in an “unofficial” contest once. I don’t know how accurate that is, but sounds impressive.
January 27, 2011 at 5:02 pm
HAHA I love that Jim Carrey skit! It’s funny, because that’s all I really knew Jack to be- the guy behind the juiceman juicer. It wasn’t until I got into fitness that I found out all the cool things he really did in his day.
Awesome way to show off his feats, Todd. Thanks for the shout out too!
Susan@Home Workouts´s last [type] ..Jack LaLanne- Home Workouts Expert & Godfather of Fitness
January 28, 2011 at 11:18 am
Love linking to my friends.